Friday, February 24, 2012

Blind mans Buff

I feel in my bones I'd been here before
Had had all this fun and my share of woe

All these sweet friendships and bitter back talks
How many regrets and thoughtful long walks!

From watery womb, in blindfolds to tomb
Lives slip past, human and creatures dumb

Moms have pecked me, licked me and breastfed me
Been he after she and she after he

Enough is enough of all these dull games
Had had my fill calling them beauty names
Now I’m wearied, on you lay all my shames

Let out the secret, can’t hold any longer
Were you waiting for me to get stronger?
Open my folds to see you. Game’s over.

Groping womb to tomb
Catching many moms, dads, friends
Game s oer now. Release.

4/6/2002; Direct to computer

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