Doubt, they say, 's the greatest sin
It seems, it fills me to the brim
But I'm sure, I've no fear
And not a drop of sorry tear
At times I wish to cry with some
`Oh, God ! My God ! If there is God
Save my soul, if I have a soul!'
The next moment I hold my peace
I softly tell my stricken soul,
`My life mate, my dear brave soul !
Why such a fuss you make ?
Why despond ? why despair ?
Why have you forgotten yourself ?
To such a pass why have you come to ?
You were touched my God in your childhood !
You doubt it ? Ah, then,
Can you doubt
You touched God in your childhood ?
You cried for God,
And have you not had something ?
Have you not a great love for Mother ?
Haven't you understood Mother is your own ?
You desire to play `Let's pretend'?
So be it. Be all these false.
Let an accident there be,
That cause you to forget all !
But still, you have yourself !
I know you, I love you.
I love you with such a love
That none except perhaps God
Is capable of.
You strong heart, why despair ?
You have God !
You can do without air
But you can't, without God.
If you are piqued at God
There are people
Have adventure meeting people
Then there is Death, Spirit
and the Transcendent
Your heart is in all these, keep on,
Do all, do all,
Truth may be, must be, somewhere.
Nothing, No effort is wasted
Though, silly, you know,
You instinctively, are aware,
Truth is in everything.
Though you pretend, you play
A game of not knowing
Come on, awake, arise
Be up and doing
My dear brave soul.
First two paras on 22.7.85
T.C. Ist year
Kept the remaining as rough draft
until 26.5.1987 T.C. 2nd year
when the same was taken as the
complete form after a few
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