Doctors are of three kinds and so teachers
One prescribes, lets patient, student at his wits
Next persuades to study, follow diet
He is a better one, not the best but quite
The best one force their way into stubborn rock
Turn even an ass mind to a swift horse
Such a doc. will pump chest with a knee press
And bring back her patient from Deaths address
Thou art the expert doc and we thy patients
If we happen to skip thy prescribed Gospels
Thou knock us around fast to our senses
Thou art the Teacher of teachers to us wards
Thy words are strewn as pearls and sung by bards
Thou goad us from our piggish pranks to you hard
Some teachers just teach
Mediocre persuade
Best drill into rocks
Some docs just prescribe
Mediocre persuade
Best wrest back from death
20/6/2002; Direct into computer
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