Friday, February 24, 2012

The Seventh Pot of Gold

When this bitter pain
Struck my poor heart
I could never tell
But once I suddenly found that
It has been with me,
This vacuum in the heart
Unfailing as my shadow
Now less, now more.
Like a turbid river
Which with arms outstretched
Plunge in warm embrace
And merges with the ocean
I longed to lose myself
And bury in the bosom
Of my heart's love
Whose name I never knew.
It was long ago
(Must've been a fine morning)
That God came unto me.
'Twas Love recognised at first sight
(So I gather the affair to be)
Like a happy child
Content at mother's breasts
I drank with full joy
The milk of God love
It filled my heart, sure
But, alas, not that corner !
For long I knew it not
So full of joy I was
But doubt seized my heart
When, somehow, a day, I saw it
Though soon, I turned to God
A fear remained in heart
Though, joyful still, I was,
`Twas never the same again.
Then I fell in love with
Humans, the other God
Sure, the heart was filled
But, oh, not that corner !
I tried to give up God
That I may adore humans
It gave me sore pain
I tried to let go humans
And cling to God fast
Agony, that too was
And neither fills the corner
Alone, nor both together
A wretched corner it is
A deadly cancer spot
Foreboding great evil
It troubles me sore, my friend,
This seventh pot of gold
That ever stays unfilled
I am weary my soul
A way, thou must find
My constant companion
Thou art my only hope
Answer :
My dear troubled child !
You go the wrong way,
That sure causes grief
When you fell in love
You longed for the caress
In your want to fill
You sought to be filled
When you rushed to embrace
The warmth was what you craved
In your wish to give
You cloaked your need to take
Ah, there is no give and take
The law is give and give
(If you perchance take
Take that with freedom
Link it not with `give')
You seek an answer
For all your afflictions ?
Remember ever and ever
Cause and effect is never
Cause is one, effect 'nother
Never link one with the'ther.
If you remember this
Your heart'll fill with bliss
Nay, If you remember this
Your heart mayn't fill with bliss
For, there is no cause and effect.
Ah, my poor child, dear,
I've no way, I fear
But this I'd say ever
Cause and effect's never

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